Town of Lima, NY
Lima Farmers Market

Lima Farmer’s Market 2024
Hosted by the Lima Presbyterian Church
Route 15A and 5&20, Lima , NY
Sponsored by Community Members
EVERY TUESDAY JUNE 25th - October 22nd (except July 4th) 3-6pm
Lima Presbyterian Church
7295 West Main Street. 4 corners of Lima. 15A and 5&20
Lima, New York 14485
Shop Local - Eat Local
Fruits, vegetables, meat, eggs, honey, syrup, flowers, plants,
baked goods, soaps, much more.
Lima Presbyterian Church Lawn
4 Corners Lima
7295 W Main, Lima, NY 14485
Vendors Welcome, contact:
Sue Muehleisen, Market Manager at
smuehleisen@aol.com or 585-752-9238
The Lima Presbyterian Church would like to thank the
2024 Community Sponsors:
Bears Playground: bearsplaygrounds.com
Copy Town Enterprise: facebook page
Crossroads Chiropractic: crossroadschiropracticny.com
Falk Electric: falkelectric.com
Fox Pro Services: foxproservices.com
Kruk and Campbell P.C.: krukandcampbell.com
Loss-Recktenwald Farm
Lima Crossroads Council: crossroadscouncil.org
Lima Historical Society: limahistorical.org
Lima Veterinary Center: limaveterinarycenter.com
Lima Village Pharmacy: limapharmacy.com
Masons Union Lodge #45: unionlodge45.org
The Paul F. Tilly Agency, LLC: tillyagency.com
Realitee Designs: realiteedesigns.com
Rotary Club of Lima: limarotary.org
Stephen and Theresa Kruk
Walt Fritz, PT: limapainrelief.com